Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dragon Claw

    Well, here it is, the largest drawing project that I have ever completed. I used ShadowPlay to record both the video and audio.

Band: PhuturePrimitive
Song: The Changeling

Initially, I had twenty-one hours of video but, cutting the extra stuff out (tabbing to different screens, messaging friends, etcetera), I ended up with thirteen hours of – mainly – actual drawing time. This suggests that I may have an ADD problem. But hey, I completed it, which is all I care about.

Adobe Premiere – which came bundled from my college with PhotoShop – is the program I used to actually edit the video. And because I don’t know jack about using Premiere, a friend of mine taught me the ropes. He’s awesome at the whole video editing deal, so if you need a guy, here’s his website:

           I did use a reference for the drawing to get started with the general shape and shadowing of the claw. It’s actually book titled, ‘Drawing Dragons’ and was written/illustrated by Sandra Staple. If you want to check that out, here’s a link:

                Drawing this taught me quite a bit about shading, not only digitally, but in general. It was a great project, and if you, as well, are a budding artist, I suggest attempting to tackle a project that seems way over your head. Of course, this applies to many other skills as well.

                 And with that, I'm signing off. I'll likely be posting some much smaller projects soon, before I tackle another thirteen-hour-long draw fest. 

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Haven't Given Up!

     Want to know what happens when a computer meets lightning? This:

    T'was the last thing I expected. I mean, my computer should have been able to take that. It's just lightning.

     Seriously though, if you have a computer that you even remotely care about, unplug it during a lightning storm. My house has a whole-house surge protector, and the computer was plugged into a strip equipped with another one. Not only did the surge go through both of the protectors, but it also went through my PSU (Power Supply Unit) - leaving it completely unscathed - and into my motherboard, which I replaced on Easter.

     It was a good learning experience though. I learned how to replace a motherboard and it was actually quite fun... but not for my wallet. Luckily, my CPU (Core Processing Unit) was also unscathed. 

     Anyways, that is why I haven't posted anything lately. Just wanted to state that I did not give up! I was in the middle of working on a larger project when the lightning hit and should have it posted in a few days.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Beginning

       I believe strongly that anybody can teach themselves anything. From my own observations, it takes two things: dedication and patience. I have started this blog to hopefully be an inspiration for others to begin learning about what they're interested in, and to also have something to give me reason to keep drawing - to have something to stay dedicated to. 
     This is my beginning as a digital artist - as an artist in general (you can tell!). But no matter how awful I think the drawings are, I will continue to post what I have. 
    I am currently using Photoshop CS6 (which is way above a beginners and hobbyists budget but, thankfully, my college sells it for twenty bucks). Anyways, anybody who has knowledge involving the use of PS, I invite you to leave pointers! That also goes toward those of you who can draw! This is a major learning experience for me, any tips are greatly appreciated. 

       The first three drawings I've done over the past week:

       Yes, I titled the drawing of the hand, 'Hand'. You know, in case you didn't know...or something. 

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