Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Haven't Given Up!

     Want to know what happens when a computer meets lightning? This:

    T'was the last thing I expected. I mean, my computer should have been able to take that. It's just lightning.

     Seriously though, if you have a computer that you even remotely care about, unplug it during a lightning storm. My house has a whole-house surge protector, and the computer was plugged into a strip equipped with another one. Not only did the surge go through both of the protectors, but it also went through my PSU (Power Supply Unit) - leaving it completely unscathed - and into my motherboard, which I replaced on Easter.

     It was a good learning experience though. I learned how to replace a motherboard and it was actually quite fun... but not for my wallet. Luckily, my CPU (Core Processing Unit) was also unscathed. 

     Anyways, that is why I haven't posted anything lately. Just wanted to state that I did not give up! I was in the middle of working on a larger project when the lightning hit and should have it posted in a few days.

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